Cape Froward

Cape Froward () is the southernmost point on the mainland of South America. It is located in the North shores of Magellan Strait, being the southern tip of the Brunswick Peninsula; in Chilean territory.

It was the English corsair, Thomas Cavendish, in January 1587, named the place after the climate's roughness with rains and winds.[1]

On the cape's hill was built a large metallic cross (Cruz de los Mares, Cross of the Seas) in honor to John Paul II Pope's visit to Chile, back in 1987, it was first built in 1913, and several times in between due to the harsh weather.

See also


  1. ^ "Froward - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 19 December 2010. "Synonyms: bad, contrary, errant, naughty, misbehaving, mischievous"